Union Bridge has two free public parks that provide a variety of activities for every age group to entertain and enjoy themselves. Our two parks are: "Community Park" located on Ladiesburg Road at the Community Center and "Little Pipe Creek Park" located between Main Street and Green Valley Road.
"Community Park" is located next to our Community Center at the east side of town. This park provides areas for picnics, a playground for the kids, two ball fields, a batting cage, tennis courts, a basketball court, a walking/running path and even simple exercise machines along walking path. A pavilion/picnic area overlooks the “Big Ball Diamond” and provides a great place to have a picnic or enjoy an outdoor family gathering. Another picnic area with pavilions is located in the playground area.
"Little Pipe Creek Park" consists of multiple trails where visitors can walk, run or even bike along the slow moving Little Pipe Creek. The main trail is blacktop and provides about 1.1 miles (5,827’) of mostly flat surfaced paths. There are also three grass trails that provide about 1.25 miles (6,728’) of flat or mildly elevated surfaced paths. These trails either keep you closer to the water’s edge on both the south side or north side of the creek (primarily flat surface walking) or one that takes you in between a wooded area and open grass fields near the railroad tracks on the south side of the park where you'll have the best chance to see deer. Check out our park map for to see where our trails go through the park, bench and picnic table areas, and trash can locations.
The grass trails are also a great alternative for your pet’s paws. When the sun makes the blacktop trails very hot, the pads of their paws can actually get burned causing pain and discomfort. Generally, if the temperature is greater than 70⁰F, you should try to keep the animals off of the blacktop surfaces. Even having them walk beside of the asphalt in the grass will help to protect their paws.
Nature is by you the entire time you are in our parks. Many different species of birds, butterflies and wild animals can be seen including deer.
Several benches, a bench swing and a couple of picnic tables are located along the paved path next to the water’s edge where you can rest, relax and maybe even have a family picnic. A walking bridge spans over the creek where you can stand over the clear waters or even go fishing for trout, carp, sunfish or catfish anywhere along the creeks edge.
There are two entrances to the park. One is next to the car wash on Main Street and one is located along Route 75. Trash cans are located at both entrances, the "beach" picnic area and at the "walking bridge" picnic area. We also ask visitors to "clean-up" after their pets considering we mow walking areas weekly and so that everyone can move around the park as they please without the fear on "stepping" in something. For this reason, at the Main Street entrance, pet owners can grab free "Doggy Doo" bags to help keep our park clean. When exiting the park, just drop the "Doggy Doo" bag or any other trash in the provided trash cans.
Carroll County boasts the added attraction of a few water trails. As part of the “Pipe Creek Water Trails”, Union Bridge is the first portage on Little Pipe Creek located next to the bridge on West Locust Street. A small parking area is provided where kayaks and canoes or other no-motorized watercraft can be launched for a peaceful journey on the creeks twists and turns along the Frederick County/Carroll County line until it joins Big Pipe Creek outside of Detour, MD. Just downstream of the portage, Sam’s Creek joins Little Pipe Creek where the scenery features beautiful small farms, small red cliffs, old copper mines and much more. Most of the water is slow and flat, but a notable three-foot dam located beneath the railroad trestle bridge in Keymar, requires a short carry around. More information about the Carroll County Water Trails can be found at their website: https://www.carrollcountymd.gov/government/directory/recreation-parks/places-to-go/water-trails/ or click on the Water Trails picture below.