"Request for Final Water and Sewer Reading Information"
This form is used when a property is going to settlement. The settlement company needs to request a final water and sewer bill for the seller and to request a new account for the buyer of the property. Select the image on the left to open and print the form. After completing the form, submit it to the Town Office.
"Lien Release For Municipalities For Property Transfers"
Settlement companies are required to request that the town sign off on this form to indicate that all fees and liens have been paid on a property so that they can record a new deed. The form is only required for property transfers.
This form is also required to be completed if a final water and sewer reading is completed.
"Building Permit / Zoning Certification Application"
Within the town limits of Union Bridge, any construction of buildings, additions, renovations, electrical, plumbing, etc., that you wish to complete on your property requires a permit for the work you want to complete from the Town of Union Bridge and Carroll County. If you are not sure if you need a permit or don't know what kind of permit you need, you can contact either the Town Office and/or the Carroll County Permits and Inspections Office.
For smaller projects that Carroll County might not require a permit from the County; like temporary swimming pools (with temporary wiring for pool pumps) or fences; the town may still require that you have a "Town Building Permit". You must submit a permit application to the Town of Union Bridge before you can start work. Click on the "Building Permit / Zoning Certificate Application" for a printable town building permit application (pdf). After printing the page and complete all sections that are highlighted and bring it to Dawn Metcalf at the Town Office. She can advise you of any additional information you may need. If you are not sure if you need a town building permit, contact Dawn at the Town Office during normal business hours.